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Traveling with customers in 2016

2021-09-03 17:29:35  Click:

When market demand shows continuous release at a certain stage, abundant external opportunities can always make some brands stand out. Guangdong Xinyingyan Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Xinyingyan) is in such a superior industrial environment Enter the mainstream sight of the industry. I am afraid that few people know that the sales scale of Xinyingyan in 2017 was nearly 800,000 sets.

Industry development and brand competition are a dynamic process. The doubling growth rate over the past few years has allowed Xinyingyan to hit historical highs, and the ever-increasing sales scale also makes Xinyingyan face a new competitive situation and new development opportunities. . Therefore, Tang Youcheng, chairman of Guangdong Xinyingyan Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd., said to the author that the sales scale of Xinyingyan in 2018 is 1 million sets. He also said: "For so many years...the trust of customers and users in us For me, this is a kind of responsibility, and it also makes us move forward."


Quality is the first lifeline

In fact, the industrial environment in which Xinyingyan is located in recent years has also been under multiple pressures. The rising cost of raw materials, the shortage of spare parts resources in the supply chain, and the deconstructive effect of mobile Internet on the production, supply and marketing and demand levels of the air-conditioning industry have made Xinyingyan's living and development space increasingly chaotic and complicated. Moreover, Xinyingyan itself is not a well-known brand at the consumer level. Even so, the sales volume of Xinyingyan air conditioners has doubled in the past year.

Xinyingyan Air Conditioning and CCTV reached a strategic cooperation to promote brand upgrade

       Tang Youcheng revealed that in addition to the strong support from customers in the industry for Xinyingyan, "our emphasis on products and high quality requirements ensure the interests of our partners." On March 12, 2018 Xinyingyan TOP Summit and CCTV The strategic signing ceremony was held in Zhuhai. Tang Youcheng made it clear at this meeting that product quality is the first lifeline of Xinyingyan.

       "We will work hard to provide users with cost-effective products, so that we can continue to be a member of the branding strategy development of China's air-conditioning industry, and make good plans and plans for the future," Tang Youcheng said. At the meeting that day, the new product of New Yingyan Air Conditioning in 2018, the "Blue" series, met with more than 200 merchants from all over the country who came to participate in the summit.

The author also learned that 2018 is also the year that Xinyingyan has invested the most in product and technology research and development in its history, in addition to the brand-new series of products mentioned above. Inverter air conditioners, fixed-speed first-class energy efficiency products, etc. will all become the focus of Xinyingyan's products.


In order to make the products more high-quality, Tang Youcheng also revealed that the parts and components of all air-conditioning products of Xinyingyan are in line with suppliers represented by Gree and Midea. Xinyingyan Air Conditioning, located in Zhongshan, Guangdong, has an outstanding industrial chain supporting group worldwide, which allows Xinyingyan to obtain abundant resources in supplier matching and selection.

It is worth mentioning that the time of this summit coincides with the first anniversary of the new Yingyan air conditioner manufacturing plant. The products produced by the factory have passed the market inspection in the past year. Based on the existing two production lines, Xinyingyan will add another production line to expand production capacity soon. Tang Youcheng smiled and said to the author: "Our biggest pain in the past was shortage of goods."

Brand and channel comprehensive upgrade

At the summit site on March 12, Tang Youcheng sat down with the representatives of CCTV, and Shuangfa signed the name on the strategic cooperation letter. This moment is the opening of a brand new development cycle for the new Yingyan brand. . In Tang Youcheng’s words: “2018 is the first year of our new Yingyan brand development and brand upgrade.” The author also learned that Xinyingyan Company is already in contact with well-known domestic marketing planning and advertising companies, and will have a brand new brand by then. The image will be presented to merchants and users across the country.

If the launch of the blue series of products, the key layout of frequency conversion and energy-efficient products are the external performance of Xinyingyan in product upgrades, then the signing of the strategic cooperation agreement with CCTV is a manifestation of the brand upgrade of Xinyingyan. Not only that, the channel system and commercial structure of Xinyingyan Air Conditioning in the domestic market will also be upgraded in 2018.

As we all know, the e-commerce development platform in the Chinese market has shown a geometric growth trend in the past few years, which has provided a broad retail space for the production and sales of air-conditioning companies. According to Tang Youcheng, in 2017, Xinyingyan has been piloted on the e-commerce platform represented by JD. In 2018, Xinyingyan will fully enter the field of e-commerce. Embracing the Internet is only one aspect of channel upgrading.

 Traditional channels have played a cornerstone role for Xinyingyan's sustained high growth in the past. If you want to complete the sales target of 1 million sets in 2018, and even achieve a larger scale of production and sales in the later stage, the expansion of the channel is a necessary measure for Xinyingyan. According to the marketing general manager of Guangdong Xinyingyan Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd., in the next one or two years, under the premise of ensuring the stable development of the existing channel structure, we will actively expand mainstream channel vendors, actively penetrate the blank market, and establish standardized channel management. The mechanism is another major content of Xinyingyan’s air-conditioning channel upgrade.

"We must introduce more large-scale agents, introduce more technical talents, introduce more marketing elites, and drive our company to upgrade in an all-round way." The blueprint for development.

It is also reported that while Xinyingyan continues to promote its own brand image enhancement, full coverage of online and offline channels, and continuous expansion of product systems and lineups, it will also actively explore the coal-to-electricity market, launch central air-conditioning products, and strive for the shortest possible time. Achieved a breakthrough in the international market.

The longer-term future is for the capital market

 When Tang Youcheng launched the new Yingyan brand in 2012, he himself did not expect to have the current scale. You must know that Xinyingyan only achieved sales of 20,000 sets that year. After that, there has been a doubling of growth year after year. Compared with the previous growth rate, the scale of 1 million sets in 2018 is a manifestation of Tang Youcheng's initiative to slow down. New Yingyan, who is accustomed to an annual growth rate of more than 100% year-on-year, is also purging its internal system and laying a solid foundation for development.

"Our previous development did not have market planning. Now, we must have a system and plan a good direction. For so many years, partners and customers have trusted me very much, and the trust of customers and users in us is this for me. It is a kind of responsibility, which also makes us move forward," Tang Youcheng also said, "We must adjust the current market rhythm, and while further laying a solid foundation, we must also relax."

New Yingyan recently launched and implemented the establishment of a local generation agency platform, the introduction of industry elites to build a new marketing system, and large-scale investment in product technology. new beginning.

Tang Youcheng said with emotion: "New Yingyan is my life's career and my career for the elderly." From the beginning of Yangzhou, Jiangsu, to now settled in Guangdong; from the early 1990s, he abandoned the status of state-owned enterprise staff and went to the sea to start a business. Become the head of Xinyingyan; from the initial distribution of black electrical products to the later circulation of air-conditioning products; from the beginning of the business field to the deep roots in the manufacturing field, Tang Youcheng’s personal career Lu can be said to be a succession and turning point, and it is brilliant, and Xin Yingyan has become the only bearer of his later personal career development.

"It is a blessing to meet like-minded partners. Many of our senior executives have shares, and the internal relationship is very harmonious. Whatever matters is everyone's heart and mind." Tang Youcheng also said, Xin Yingyan The more distant future lies in the achievements of the capital market.

The explosion of the domestic air-conditioning market in the past two years has allowed brands that have been well accumulated and precipitated to come to the fore. The domestic air-conditioning market, which has always been in an oligopoly structure, has more industry stories because of the continuous emergence of brands. In fact, it is precisely because of the emergence of brands with long-term plans and appeals like Xinyingyan that China’s air-conditioning industry has become more dynamic and diversified, and businesses in the industry and users in the market have more s Choice.


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